During the buildup of troops in recent days, federal, state and local officials have given often wildly disparate figures for military personnel on the ground or on the way.
Not far away from them stood the disparate figures of Victor Quigg and Oliver Fan, both scarcely recognisable when attired in formal black.
To begin with, this methodology offers more of an organizational gimmick to pull together profiles of nine disparate figures than a genuinely useful premise for making new distinctions.
Mr. Izzard gives varied voice to these disparate figures and lets them talk among themselves by shifting profiles as he switches characters.
An illustrative conflation seems to merge disparate figures as in Santería.
Nations are reticent about statistics, but according to the disparate figures made available to the High Commissioner's office, acceptance rates now average from 7 percent to 14 percent.
Two figures more disparate than Mendelssohn and Verdi would be hard to imagine.
In a stunning series of tableaux, Mr. Branch traces several very disparate figures as they cope with that event.
How does the Council intend to reach a compromise between such disparate figures?
Poetry that links disparate cultural figures and forces.