All of the main chronicler accounts carry significant regional biases in how they portray the disparate events.
The old questions of the traditional analysis (What link should be made between disparate events?
There must be something here, some underlying pattern or link that bound all of these disparate events together.
Some scholars thus reject the idea of mercantilism completely, arguing that it gives "a false unity to disparate events".
Mass racial violence, also called race riots, can include such disparate events as:
But then a series of seemingly disparate events intervened to shake the confidence.
THE 1960's in some respects was a decade like any other: a fixed span of time filled with otherwise disparate events.
The book proved controversial, with reviewers criticizing it for drawing unwarranted connections between disparate events.
It was herjob to make connections between apparently disparate events.
It wasn't until 1987, however, that anyone offered an explanation that attempted to tie these disparate events together.