The beds will be used by children who live in group homes, but who can adapt to life with foster parents because they do not have the serious disorders afflicting more troubled children.
Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes, has become a highly common disorder, afflicting 16 million to 20 million people in the United States.
It is a disorder afflicting 150,000 to 200,000 American women that can literally drive them crazy.
Depression, which experts say is an often underdiagnosed and untreated mental disorder afflicting millions of Americans, has another overlooked dimension.
The various disorders afflicting Enzai's cast, such as pedophilia, sadism and masochism, schizophrenia, madness derived from long periods of cell isolation, and apathy are presented with a sense of realism.
She is also the national spokesperson in the United States for the PMD Foundation, which funds research and awareness of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, a neurological disorder afflicting children worldwide.
This week, Elizabeth Kolbert writes about the concerns over colony-collapse disorder and other ailments afflicting bees in the United States.
This is another example of the disorder afflicting England.
Then came the discovery that those genes were mutated in many Ashkenazi Jews - "the most common genetic disorder" afflicting Jews, Dr. Collins said.
They identified iron deficiency as a key factor in Plummer-Vinson syndrome, a painful disorder afflicting some middle-aged women.