Several public campaigns, including civil disobedience actions, have targeted production sites as a protest against Swedish arms export.
I helped lead a successful civil disobedience action protesting evening-hours reductions by not leaving when the new hours went into effect.
Volunteers were recruited for a civil disobedience action, which included a die-in.
This was the first civil disobedience direct action taken on by NU.
We sent 1,253 people to jail in the largest civil disobedience action in a generation.
There would be two large civil disobedience actions per year, one in the spring and one in the fall.
He participated in civil disobedience actions against the regime was arrested and released.
Large grassroots civil disobedience actions took place in 1996 and 1997.
The civil disobedience action paralyzed the economy and quickly brought the country to the "verge of a complete shutdown."
An abundance of conventional weapons are not a necessity for massive civil disobedience actions and gorilla warfare.