Signatories were arrested and interrogated; dismissal from employment often followed.
No dismissal followed; on the contrary, Bertha seemed to be silently putting up with personal inconveniences from the exhibitions of this woman's temper.
Additional dismissals followed - the current count is 80 professors and 150 students - and this may be only the beginning.
The dismissal followed international outcry over the death.
Samak's own dismissal followed on September 23.
Guderian's dismissal had followed one of the wildest scenes ever witnessed in the Reichskanzlei.
The good will of his people had become alienated, and his dismissal soon followed.
His dismissal followed recent demonstrations for freer expression and democracy in China.
Portugal saw 9 yellow cards (World Cup record for one team), and two dismissals following the second yellow as well.
A federal court ruled that dismissal did not follow due process and ordered him reinstated in November 2005.