In total, Jackson dismissed less than twenty percent (20%) of the original civil service.
At GE Japan in the mid-1990's, he dismissed 30 percent of the staff.
As a result, the museum has dismissed 15 percent of its employees, including a few tenured staff members, to help reduce its $4.2 million budget.
The agency will dismiss 74 people, or 3.7 percent of its staff of 1,990.
Leapnet Inc., an interactive services agency, dismissed 60 employees, or 13 percent of its staff.
But doing so, analysts said, might require dismissing at least 20 percent of the combined company's 250,000 employees.
Avenue A in Seattle, an interactive services agency, is dismissing 20 percent of its staff, or about 75 people, across all divisions.
At the end of his term, Jackson had only dismissed less than twenty percent of the original civil service.
The company said it would close some plants and dismiss 5,968 workers, or 28 percent of its labor force.
The campaign has dismissed more than 80 percent of its paid workers, including virtually the entire fund-raising staff.