A dismally low turnout would be little surprise.
Even though the turnout of registered voters increased this year in many contests, overall participation by the voting age population remains dismally low.
When paychecks finally arrive, they're dismally low.
If what she was about to attempt worked, the odds were dismally low that they would be able to attempt another rescue mission.
To be sure, Jews have dismally low rates of communal affiliation and unacceptably high rates of intermarriage.
It was very long, narrow, and dismally low, with pointed Gothic windows and a ceiling of oak.
Securing a place in the run-off would be no mean accomplishment for Mr. Yeltsin, whose poll ratings are dismally low.
Ticket sales for the event were dismally low and the magazine nearly folded after having to cover the bar guarantee that was agreed to with the club.
Internet use among East Palo Alto's schoolchildren is dismally low.
Analysts said sales remained fairly weak, but not at the dismally low levels of January.