And that may be one of the reasons the state government has such a dismal reputation.
Now EarthShell is trying to overcome the dismal reputation of green packaging as an ideal way to lose money.
To them, airline food - particularly what is served in coach class - still deserves its dismal reputation.
Crowded cages and accusations of mistreatment by zoo workers contributed to the zoo's dismal reputation.
Nearly insolvent, it had a dismal reputation punctuated by impotent leadership and a student body out of control.
Perfect timing, then, for the EC's dismal reputation to be cast in a better light by an impartial judge.
Why does foreign aid have such a dismal reputation in the country that financed the Marshall Plan?
In New London, as a young man, he acquired a dismal reputation that would last for decades.
The foreign office hoped to improve the Taliban's dismal international reputation.
These tactics are not going to improve the credit-card industry's dismal reputation.