As one reads daily accounts of the dismal news, the president's decision to wage war against Iraq four years ago becomes exceedingly indefensible.
And the company's report capped a week of dismal economic news from Taiwan, which reported sharply slowing growth and its highest unemployment rate since 1985.
Ruth heard this dismal news without great surprise.
Credit markets chalked up a strong advance on the dismal news.
Well, that is the black dismal news, upon my soul.
I told the kids we were cutting our walk short and rushed home to share the dismal news with my husband.
As dismal news accumulates around the globe, European economies are proving remarkably resilient.
After three consecutive years of dismal fiscal news at the state level, officials are beginning to detect signs that the worst may be over.
But when they reached home there was dismal news.
This piece of dismal news has spoilt the rest of my week.