You are better with a blade than most, yet you dislike using it.
Because of the distinctly chemical smell and feel of thermal paper, many people dislike using it.
"I dislike using pain to motivate my slaves, but if you two won't move, I'll have no choice."
She disliked using him this way, but there were larger considerations.
Engineers dislike using them, he said, because they wear out quickly.
DO you dislike using a credit card to pay for a simple dinner?
There are those of us who have the power to break you, even if we dislike using that power.
He disliked using the same disguise twice in a row, but he had few options.
I dislike using force or violence, but you have to come with me to save my people.
I dislike using them in conversation, for they can add a measure of artificiality to what should otherwise be casual.