But their disinterested advice produced no other result than their own disgrace, so influential a person had Fouche become.
The question is whether they are getting disinterested advice.
He is devoid of ambition and dispenses disinterested advice.
They believe, because they want to believe it, that he is offering disinterested advice, as best befits their needs.
You knew Lucius wouldn't give disinterested advice.
A solicitor's ability to give impartial and disinterested advice is a fundamental element of his or her relationship with you, the client.
Investors have nowhere to turn for truly disinterested advice.
It is disinterested advice to those contemplating a leap from the frying-pan - don't!
Looking for more disinterested advice, the tribune put the question to Gorgidas.
His goal was to help his friend Ed Meese with disinterested advice, and then "come back here and live my life."