A disheveled woman rushed up to Dagny, waving two tickets and screaming something about the wrong date.
Portolanus rose up from the table and pointed a scarlet-stained finger at the disheveled woman.
A disheveled woman in science blue was running down the corridor.
She notices that at the foot of the thief's cross is a disheveled old woman crying for him.
After two or three minutes, a disheveled young woman came in from outside, looking grim and pale.
Several policemen were trying to restrain a disheveled woman.
The two disheveled women gave each other bleary-eyed stares.
Inside, he found a disheveled woman with a sweater wrapped around her head to ward off fumes.
As they played, a disheveled, disoriented woman wandered by.
A disheveled woman in a Flintstones sweatshirt is roaming the area.