After this disheartening news, General Grant went and sat for his portrait, and the artist later reported that the President was as serene as ever.
Such was our joy, that we were scarcely sensible of the disheartening news which arrived from all quarters.
It would contain less disheartening news.
For Bonds haters, and there are legions, this may have been the most disheartening news of the day.
The police had left and returned sometime later with the disheartening news that the miscreants had all fled the warehouse by the time they arrived.
Vaccine researchers gave the disheartening news that a promising candidate vaccine, tested in monkeys, caused the disease rather than prevented it.
Like many others here, she did her best to find a silver lining in the disheartening news.
Along with this disheartening news it is also explained that she will have to be exiled that very night.
In fact, for Jets fans, the most disheartening news was Kotite's proclamation that the decision-making apparatus will remain the same.
Now she fell silent and the captain absorbed the disheartening news.