Then the lawyers asked the disgruntled voters to complete ready-made affidavits or to prepare their own statements, which the voters signed under the watchful eyes of notaries.
That leaves Mr. Perot, once again, or possibly Mr. Lamm, as the vessel for the disgruntled independent voter.
The reformists lost control of Parliament last year after hard-line officials disqualified most of their candidates and many disgruntled voters stayed away from the polls.
But "hang the lot of them" talk in the lurid tabloids and on the blogosphere may make disgruntled voters feel better - without doing much real good.
Politicians feared disgruntled voters.
In his case, however, the verdict came not from disgruntled voters, but from a disgruntled David L. Boren.
The party tends to nominate women in hopes of getting something fresh that will appeal to the disgruntled voters.
Mr. Le Pen's rantings against Arab immigrants have lured large numbers of disgruntled blue-collar voters who once voted Communist.
And how are they feeling now, eight months after disgruntled voters delivered one of the most dramatic Election Day verdicts in decades?
The 1 percent tax on home sales was cited by many disgruntled voters as the reason they turned the Republicans out.