Officials came under fire at the meeting from disgruntled members who expressed concern about the club's prospects.
But it is unusual that in a group of this size, no disgruntled members have ever come forward.
Instead, he stepped into a lineup of disgruntled members.
Some disgruntled former members have called the group a brainwashing cult.
Even loose talk about troop withdrawals by disgruntled members of Congress unsettles the allies.
Like some previous efforts, it would recruit disgruntled members of the general's Government to take part in an attempt to force him out of office.
Some disgruntled senior members of the team broke away from Highlanders to form their own club, Olympics.
At this point several disgruntled members of the bulletin board, knowing the game to be lost, suggested the 59...Qe1??
In any event, a dissatisfied enquirer can be a disgruntled member!
He suspects it is only a few disgruntled members of our Order.