What is the point on teams spending hundreds of millions on building their sides when disgraceful decisions like that can destroy all they've worked for?
I don't know what is necessary to reverse this disgraceful decision, but if dynamite is required, then dynamite is indicated.
Louise Mensch, the Conservative MP, called it a "disgraceful" decision.
On Wednesday the Supreme Court heard arguments in a case it could use to reverse its disgraceful 1989 decision allowing the execution of retarded people.
It was a disgraceful decision and not the first of the night.
We will never work for the BBC again unless this disgraceful decision is reversed.
Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray says: "This is a disgraceful decision and one that will haunt them.
We think it's a disgraceful decision," said Warren Deutrom, Cricket Ireland chief executive.
This is a disgraceful decision, one to which we object in the strongest possible terms.
A disgraceful decision, as I pointed out at the time.