I have pit ty for what your parents must feel as a result of this disgraceful act.
"It is one of the most disgraceful and shameful acts in the history of our government."
He sat now, trembling, breathing hard, trying to recover from the most disgraceful act of fear that he had ever experienced in his whole life.
The President criticized the vote as "a disgraceful act of partisan politics."
The disgraceful act of copying has been going on long since before the invention of the internet.
The incident was described as a "disgraceful act of insubordination."
A man who has never committed a disgraceful act?
Never do anything likely to injure or destroy property, and always look upon looting as a disgraceful act.
I can scarcely believe you guilty of such a disgraceful act.
Mr. Clinton called the vote "a disgraceful act of partisan politics by the Republican majority."