"It just seemed like a good place to start helping disenfranchised people who couldn't help themselves."
They had come to expect nothing from a disenfranchised people except violence and anarchy.
In terms of rapping about the pain that other disenfranchised people feel, there is no one better at their game than Eminem.
The Mayor made it plain that he speaks with special feeling for disenfranchised people.
I've been doing that all my life, trying to help the disenfranchised people, and the ghetto definitely produces that.
These seminomadic, disenfranchised people were used as political scapegoats by your government one time too many.
The growing organization continued to meet the needs of disenfranchised people.
These laws cast a permanent shadow over the poor minority communities where disenfranchised people typically live.
You can't change a disenfranchised people into a politically aware society in a month or two, it takes years.