A portion of the proceeds from the brand's global sales funds a scholarship program that supports wine-related studies for students from formerly disenfranchised communities in South Africa.
Following a long history of advocacy for disenfranchised communities, Minister al-Hafeez's employment with the New York City Police Department came to an end in March 1976.
Their statement warns that net neutrality policies could inhibit investment and "leave disenfranchised communities further behind."
In D.C., many people, particularly those from disenfranchised communities, do not believe that prenatal care is important.
"It's been a situation festering for some time in the economically disenfranchised communities who live every day with the knowledge that they've gotten everything they're ever going to get."
How to integrate these disenfranchised communities into the booming corporate economy?
The group's mission is to deliver "live classical music to mentally ill individuals living in deeply impoverished, disenfranchised communities in Los Angeles".
Members of this disenfranchised community became the subjects of many of Delaney's greatest New York period paintings.
Focusing her lens on disenfranchised communities and peoples internationally, her contribution to worldwide humanitarian rights and education has been crucial.
During the 1970s and 1980s, he also began community organizing, working with the working poor and other politically disenfranchised communities.