Antonie was known as "the mother of the poor" for her work in raising funds for the poor and disenfranchised citizens of Frankfurt.
IDignity is a non-profit organization in Downtown Orlando that helps homeless and disenfranchised citizens reacquire their identification cards and birth certificates.
If the EU sees massive riots it will be because taking to the streets is the only democratic expression left to the disenfranchised citizens.
But in Florida, the state with the largest number of disenfranchised citizens, democratic reform will not come through the Legislature.
He addresses the disenfranchised citizens of Heavenside, acknowledging their disappointment in the "future" they live in.
The three acts extended voting rights to previously disenfranchised citizens.
Supposedly, our approach just won't work in neighborhoods with disenfranchised citizens and underprivileged people who have never been winners.
The idea was to create a rallying point for the millions of disaffected, disenfranchised citizens.
(It is significant that heavy metal, along with its angry black counterpart, rap, is the voice of another group of disenfranchised citizens, teen-agers.)