Thus He was easily able to heal sick and diseased persons by a touch or a look.
Yellow fever is a clinical diagnosis, which often relies on the whereabouts of the diseased person during the incubation time.
It is recommended that persons in close contact with the diseased person, such as family members, be tested for tuberculosis.
After numerous attempts over the course of many years, Filatov achieved a successful transplantation of cornea from a diseased person on 6 May 1931.
In diseased persons these may wander and cause a discoloration of the lids.
During a typical day I spend time doing "gene expression," analyzing what distinguishes the genetic signature of a normal person from a diseased person.
But I was an addict, a diseased person.
But you see, the dear little diseased squatty person is never around.
Hospitalization for the diseased person is suggested because of the controlled environment because it may prevent nutritional deficiencies and skin infections.
Meanwhile, Pradeep and his team go to the streets of Bangalore to raise funds, to help a diseased person.