These patients are at a high risk for disease recurrence and should be considered for enrollment in a clinical trial.
The approval is for a subset of kidney cancer patients who are at intermediate risk for disease recurrence.
Consolidation and maintenance treatments are intended to prevent disease recurrence.
In addition to all the above, treatment of the underlying disease like brucellosis, is important to limit disease recurrence.
There may also be biologic factors contributing to a higher risk of disease recurrence for younger women with breast cancer.
These changes precede clinical and biochemical evidence of disease recurrence.
The transplanted heart has a high chance of disease recurrence.
It is strongly associated with increased disease recurrence and a poor prognosis.
"Preventing disease recurrence is a valid endpoint," he said.
In up to 10% of patients, there will be disease recurrences, but treating every patient with chemotherapy is overkill.