Over the past 50,000-100,000 years, as modern humans dispersed throughout the world, new infectious diseases emerged, including those caused by viruses.
Most scientists believe that the new disease first emerged in Guangdong late last year.
The sewerage works were abandoned, there was a delay in the conditions for health and various diseases have emerged.
If another infectious disease emerges, we want the department to be fully prepared to deal with it quickly and effectively.
This example demonstrates how a disease can emerge in a population as a result of human influence.
Researchers do not know why the fungal disease is emerging now.
Experts have warned that diseases are emerging that are resistant to all common antibiotics.
New diseases have often emerged in the past, but seem to be occurring now with a particular vengeance.
As with oral contraceptives, the disease then emerges in former users.
A new disease representing a direct threat to European countries has recently emerged.