This version was less focused on disease categories and would be the forerunner to Kent's later works.
About 50 disease categories - including mental problems and gastrointestinal illnesses - have led to medical evacuations.
Self-reported sickness is of unknown validity and unobtainable within reliable disease categories.
The most common disease category has been leukemia.
The only disease category that dwarfs these is heart disease and stroke.
It has been divided into 19 disease categories in the 1st version of the database.
In a system based on caps, such a change would threaten budgets for other disease categories.
One might think that doctors would welcome new disease categories so they might offer patients a label if not relief.
The company also said it would reorganize its sales force and research and development to focus on specific disease categories.
New research - including that by the Government - may find the new disease category these symptoms fit.