Always a churchgoing Protestant, he had since been going to church twice a week, until the "strange disease" called him away from Kampala.
In America, she continued, ranchers do not like to let their cows eat hay after a rain because they sometimes get a disease called the staggers.
"Communicable diseases have traditionally called for sacrifice and courage from the medical community," it said.
A disease in only called a genetic disease when it is inherited.
Experts believe that the fatal disease it is caused by aberrant proteins called infectious prions, which leave the brain with spongelike holes.
The disease called the Red Death is fictitious.
A disease in which cerebral lesions cause an inability to read, popularly called "word-blindness".
It is also threatened by shooting, and a disease called Sylvatic Plague that affects all prairie dogs.
And the disease called humankind.
Many diseases that cause cerebral atrophy are associated with dementia, seizures, and a group of language disorders called the aphasias.