Muhammad did not discuss his change in plea with his lawyers ahead of time.
When the magistrate explained the charge and asked him whether he understood it, he briefly discussed the question with his two lawyers and then answered yes.
Daniel S. Connolly, the city lawyer handling the negotiations, declined to discuss his conversations with the rally's lawyers.
With these constraints in mind, the Protocol is one option for parents to discuss with their lawyers.
Mr. Long said that he had discussed the letter with his lawyers and would continue with the campaign despite what he called "Ford's intimidation tactics."
He read Ms. Olson the statute under which she had been accused, and she then took a recess to discuss it with her lawyers.
The bank said it had fired him because he later declined to discuss his concerns with the bank's lawyers unless his own lawyer was present.
Establishing Rapport "It has been our intention to discuss this with her lawyers and her parents.
For the next two days, Mr. Reinhold discussed his findings with the company's lawyers.
Mr. Rappaport suggested that the board review the prospectus and discuss the matter with the co-op's lawyers.