Wilpon said the Mets started discussing possible replacements for Valentine yesterday, after a 30-minute news conference at Shea Stadium.
Last week, Kodak's board huddled in Rochester and discussed possible replacements for Kay R. Whitmore, the chief executive, who is being forced out by restive outside directors who are demanding higher profit margins.
He would not discuss potential replacements or a timetable for naming a successor.
Both moves were confirmed yesterday by Deputy Mayor Randy M. Mastro, who declined to discuss possible replacements.
While White House officials acknowledged that Judge Bork's nomination was probably doomed, they declined to discuss possible replacements.
As the Bears game continued, we reviewed the ready list and discussed potential replacements.
During a February 2009 meeting, StreetWise's board of directors decided to fire Executive Director Michael Speer and began to discuss potential replacements.
While the White House refused to discuss possible replacements for Judge Bork, a number of names surfaced today as possible contenders.
The appointment came as something of a surprise because the Hibs board of directors had only met the previous day to discuss possible replacements for McLeish.
When discussing possible short-term replacements with second baseman Roberto Alomar, they mentioned Rey Sanchez.