Like Toscanini, Furtwängler was a major influence on many later conductors, and his name is often mentioned when discussing their interpretive style.
Never mind that now; I didn't call you here to discuss your literary style and its shortcomings.
It discusses the history of the world-famous diary, Anne Frank's literary style, and her reason for writing the diary.
Unfortunately, Ríos does not adequately discuss Mons's artistic style or technique.
In 2013 he appeared on BET's series The Artist's Way to discuss his evolving style.
Reviewers have discussed her artistic style.
Discussing Wells's style of pitching, Fryman, who did not get a hit in three attempts against him, said: "His fastball has always been pretty good.
Gutman speaks with some reserve in discussing Kensil's style and Walton's future.
Discussing their style of football, the Stevenage manager added: "The people who watch us regularly seem to talk well of us.
Merle talks about everyone's ideas of femininity and Santino discusses the fashion and his judging style.