Hewing to the strict guidelines of the meeting, neither side discussed the United States' complaints about Iran's nuclear program.
Even dissatisfied government clients can be reluctant to discuss their complaints openly, or share them with other counties or states.
But a number of people close to the situation discussed the women's complaints.
The Open Door column is primarily, though not exclusively, a platform for discussing readers' complaints, concerns and suggestions.
He said he would meet with Haitian political parties to discuss their complaints, perhaps as soon as Wednesday, saying "we need peace" and reconciliation.
American officials are now discussing their complaints with European officials in Geneva.
But they declined to discuss their complaints with reporters.
Location managers and production crew declined to discuss the neighbors' complaints.
Mr. Kennedy canceled his weekend campaign plans and said he was ready to discuss his complaints.
Few Public Accusations Most of Vincent's opponents have declined to discuss their complaints against him.