The name is fitting: Gratian tried to harmonize apparently contradictory canons with each other, by discussing different interpretations and deciding on a solution.
During the opening ceremony ministers from Christian, Islamic and traditional African faiths will discuss the meaning and interpretations of Kwanzaa.
"The Taliban did not allow even Muslim reporters to question [their] edicts or to discuss interpretations of the Qur'an."
It discusses interpretations of sustainability and identifies options such as organic and fair trade as "sustainable coffee", though it does not offer a single functional definition.
Or, they might discuss events, ideas, and interpretations with just one other person.
Describes the author's intent, and discusses interpretations and common misunderstandings.
'I'm sorry, Mr. Undersecretary, but I'm not here to discuss contractual interpretations.'
Discuss modern, unorthodox interpretations of Islam.
The priest and K then discuss interpretations of the story before K leaves the cathedral.
Surrounded by his sons, Mr. Tisch often invited a rabbi to his headquarters to discuss Bible passages and Talmudic interpretations.