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After the categorization has been learned, similarity or discriminability are tested again, and compared against the untrained data.
Discriminability: the displayed information can be distinguished accurately.
Thus, discrimination training of the sort considered here must be predicted to have general effects, enhancing the discriminability of all the stimuli.
On the other hand, if we relax constraints, we are trading discriminability against robustness.
Weber's Law describes discriminability between values based on perceptual continua such as line length, brightness, and weight.
Signal detection theory quantifies discriminability of a stimulus among a set of different stimuli.
Distances between odor loci in this three-dimensional space correlate well with the discriminability of the odors to bees.
Discriminability analyses identified brain regions that were significantly, differentially active when contrasting pairs of discrete emotions.
Thus, discriminability between the five discrete emotion categories was assessed on a more precise spatial scale than what had been accomplished in prior meta-analyses.
One theory is that they act to increase the discriminability of signal variations in continuous noise by lowering the masking effect of its cochlear amplification.
The typical learned CP experiment would be the following: A set of stimuli is tested (usually in pairs) for similarity or discriminability.
Expressive Use: The discriminability of I-use for the reference-maker is deictic: it depends on the referent's salience.
This model examines convergence (evidence that different measurement methods of a construct give similar results) and discriminability (ability to differentiate the construct from other related constructs).
In terms of discriminability, the researchers compared the ratings for software that was liked vs. the ratings for the software that was disliked.
One of the aims of this chapter is to look at the effect on word discriminability in continuous speech of increasing the depth of the phoneme graph.
In the case of discriminability, same/different judgments and signal detection analysis might be used to estimate the pairwise discriminability of a set of stimuli.
There have been a number of studies on isolated words which explore the trade-off between discriminability of lexical items, and the amount of phonemic information used in their representation.
An implication of the latter view is that the enhanced discriminability of A and B should survive the introduction of procedures that act to eliminate or disrupt the associations formed during training.
An implication of differentiation theory but not of the associative theory, therefore, is that mere exposure to a pair of stimuli without their being followed by any special consequences should be enough to enhance their discriminability.
Brightness masking can be thought of as operating primarily at the feature detector level in Figure 11; by reducing the discriminability of target features, it makes feature detection difficult (or impossible, if the mask is bright enough).
Smith and Sambur (1980) who built the NOAH system have suggested that the discrimination function could be improved by categorising words into four sets based on their acoustic discriminability and semantic content or usefulness.
What these experiments cannot reveal is whether both the equivalence and distinctiveness treatments are effective in producing changes in the discriminability of the cues - clearly the observed difference could be obtained if just one of these treatments worked.
Similar findings were later reported by Miles and Borthwick in 1996, who emphasized the role of tactile interference on discriminability of the target location and the role of central processing resources in consolidation of haptic memory.