The epitopes for several monoclonal antibodies raised against human CD2 have been mapped to three discrete regions.
The methane occurs in extended plumes, and their profiles imply that the gas was released from sources in three discrete regions.
The bits were stored as discrete regions of charge on the smooth surface of the signal plates.
The territory of Belarus is divided into discrete regions, called oblasts.
In this method, biotin moieties were initially attached covalently to discrete regions on a solid surface.
Four discrete regions of CyaA bind calcium-loaded calmodulin with a large buried contact surface.
Moreover, by no means does each of the 21 counties represent a discrete region of development.
They snipped the samples at specific sites, and the fragments migrated to discrete regions of an electrically charged surface covered with a thick gel.
The arcs are discrete regions within the ring in which the particles that comprise it are mysteriously clustered together.
Thus, he achieved a new non-invasive method of destroying discrete anatomical regions within the brain while minimizing the effect on the surrounding tissues.