On the other hand, some problems are easier to solve with random walks due to its discrete nature.
The discrete nature of rainfall has long been overlooked by weather experts.
With dual citizenship, he is known for his discrete, reserved nature and his tenaciousness.
The discrete nature of a computer however, does not allow for all of history to be computed.
Even though molecules were known before, their stability could not be explained by classical physics, but is due to the discrete nature of quantum mechanics.
That is, the discrete molecular nature of a gas is ignored.
This typical lack of continuity results from the discrete nature of the signal, which is divided into frames and lines.
Drosophila mushroom bodies are also often used to study learning and memory and manipulated due to their relatively discrete nature.
Michael Faraday, in his electrolysis experiments, was the first to note the discrete nature of electric charge.
A portfolio optimization method would have to take the discrete nature of projects into account.