The data was divided into discrete chunks, each one of which was separately encrypted.
It displayed a portion of the visual spectrum, sliced up into discrete chunks, too many for Hoshi to count.
According to McKinsey's study, many business processes are difficult to separate into discrete chunks that can be sent away.
Despite a strong affinity for a continuous picture of nature, Planck found himself impelled to conclude that energy comes and goes in tiny, discrete chunks he called "quanta."
Atoms absorb light in discrete chunks.
Even if network communication can be compared to file access, the low-level packet-oriented architecture dealt with discrete chunks of data and not with whole files.
Slicing time up into discrete chunks we can create an environment which is unlike VR1 in the first timeslice, unlike VR2 in the second timeslice and so on.
Segmentation, for Dawkins, is a special case of modularity; of building a creature out of relatively discrete chunks.
Later, when he got the same message with gaps between number sequences, Harry began to suspect that the code represented discrete chunks of information-suggesting words, not pictures.
MAGEN is designed to keep users from viewing discrete chunks of secret or sensitive data on their screens that they are not authorized to see.