This and other discoveries triggered a gold rush in the surrounding area, attracting German and native prospectors alike.
Second, the discovery of the brain's natural opiates has triggered an explosion of interest in neurotransmitter pathways and functions.
In 1866 Junee's population was recorded as twelve but the discovery of reef and alluvial gold during the 1860s triggered a gold rush.
The discovery has triggered excitement among local residents, who certainly believe the remains to belong to Akbarabadi Masjid.
Its discovery triggered research and discovery into several new surfaces and open conjectures in topology.
This discovery triggered the Black Hills gold rush of the late 1870s.
Soon after, the discovery of gold triggered the West Coast Gold Rush.
The discovery of North America by Columbus in 1492 triggered unprecedented transfer of plant resources (between the old and the new world).
The discovery triggered a flurry of lawsuits.