He also hasn't told her about the discovery of Dora's mutilated corpse.
"The Dead Girl," for example, features five individually told stories, all revolving around the discovery of a young woman's corpse.
It begins on what, for most books, would be a distinctly depressing note - just after the nameless narrator's discovery of his girlfriend's corpse.
It wasn't finding the body, for I was used to shocking events, but the discovery of Hickle's corpse was a catalyst that plunged me into a full-fledged crisis.
García Márquez symbolizes this with the discovery of the dictator's corpse in the presidential palace.
The poem closes with the discovery of the young man's corpse in a ruined hut floating at the edge of the river.
All this I already knew, so hearing Beejay report the discovery of Maureen's corpse wasn't likely to be the cause of my uneasiness.
There had been no word of the Slayer, or the discovery of her corpse.
The narrator does not describe Evgenii's death directly, but the poem closes with the discovery of his corpse in a ruined hut floating on the water (ll.
Fiona Looney presented the show that day prior to the discovery of his corpse in his Leeson Street apartment.