The discovery encouraged her to explore further.
The discovery encouraged the search for the lodes nearby, and in due course these other locations were successfully producing ore.
In the late 19th century, the discovery of gold and diamonds further encouraged colonisation of South Africa by the British.
This discovery encouraged scientists worldwide to find an effective inhibitor of this enzyme.
These migrants settled predominantly in rural Victoria, where the discovery of gold had encouraged a large colony of prospectors and speculators.
The discovery of gold in 1861 encouraged competing banks into New Zealand leading to a variety of note issue.
Other recent discoveries of birdlike dinosaurs and dinosaurlike birds have encouraged support for the theory of a dinosaur-bird ancestral link.
The discovery of gold in 1863 around Bannack, Montana encouraged white settlers to find an economical route to the gold fields.
TWO new discoveries have encouraged astronomers to think they have found promising ways to explore the powerful dynamics of those cosmic phenomena known as black holes.
His discoveries encouraged many treasure seekers to travel to Aventicum to search for artifacts.