We may have discovered greater writers since that summertime, but certainly no one thing brought something greater than this holiday of reading.
The magazine oversees the Bungei Prize, an open competition for discovering new writers.
He eventually became a consulting editor, a position that allowed him to hone his writing talent, discover new writers, and develop into "a reader of texts".
He was truly happy moving about through libraries, discovering new writers, finding new angles on human activity put forward by psychologists or scientists in any field.
"There is nothing more important right now than discovering new writers," she said.
Many have followed Reynolds's lead by exploring fresh cultural contexts of major literature and discovering other writers that have been long neglected.
WEbook (pronounced "we book") is an online community geared towards discovering new writers and helping them on their path to publication.
Others view digital piracy as a way for new readers to discover writers.
Devine aimed to create a writers' theatre, seeking to discover new writers and produce serious contemporary works.
Mr. Smith added that "one of the thngs we like is to discover and develop new writers."