Two policemen, thinking she is about to jump over herself, open the hat box and discover the head inside.
John's son discovers the decapitated head of the family dog in the refrigerator, but this turns out to be a fake head.
Opening it up, he discovers the shrunken head of a middle-aged man.
She discovered the head of the cat, 'now eyeless, but still wearing its grotesque bonnet, and tried to balance it on top of the torso.
There he discovers the head of Lucky.
A few steps brought him to that rock on which he had discovered the head of the reptile, and he paused to examine it.
I glanced round to see what it was and discovered the beautiful head of Lady Ragnall who was sweetly sleeping there.
Carly, the novel's heroine, later discovers the head still in its box, still in the grave.
While there, Emma discovers the severed head of the missing man.
One day he discovers in 2 different places 2 parts , the head and the body of a very rare and expensive statue.