Some scouts focus on discovering promising young players and future stars, others are employed to run the rule on potential signings.
Although some of those he recorded would later become internationally famous, Mr. Lomax wasn't interested in simply discovering stars.
Herschel discovered numerous double stars and nebulae.
With no fog and no smog, I could discover stars that I hadn't seen in years.
Mack's method was to buy hot prospects from flourishing minor-league teams, trusting his ability to discover stars.
He discovered many nebulas, variable stars, and more than 2500 double stars.
He also discovered infrared radiation, binary stars, and published important catalogues of stars and nebulae.
He aimed to discover and make stars, and Rain clearly had potential as well as need.
In the process, the club deteriorated from a world-class launching pad where producers discovered new stars to a tired hangout for local Russian teenagers.
At this point in his career he became an impresario discovering new stars and managing radio, film and theatre productions from Ballets to Circuses.