The laboratory discovered increased levels of the contaminant, tritium, in 1994.
We tested the pond water and discovered dangerous levels of nitrite.
But outsiders may be surprised to discover several levels of books and reading rooms with magnificent Hudson River views.
When they discovered remarkably high levels of iridium, he believed they had done the analysis incorrectly.
In 1982, after the Logan Council took over the area, it discovered high levels of acid in the soil.
Or wander on your own to discover the hidden courtyards, multiple levels and light-filled spaces.
You are about to discover new levels of erotic stimulation.
But one discovers different levels of meaning when one dwells among humans.
They discovered high levels of sulfates and concluded the chemical had come from the atmosphere, falling to earth in precipitation.
It also deprives readers of the chance to know the poems as the poet intended them and, with time, to discover deeper levels.