They have dinner with Douglas ex-girlfriend, who is working on a cartoon series, whom Alice later discovers features an unflattering character that looks like her.
It gets better and better with every single day, as you continue discovering new little features here and there.
After using Vim nearly every day for so many years, I'm still discovering new features, capabilities, and useful behaviors that further improve my productivity.
The Voyager space probe discovered features shaped like rays, called spokes.
In so doing, he succeeded in discovering such previously unknown features as house remains from the Roman period of occupation.
This, Mr. Kleynhans and others say, has contributed to the need to discover features on one's own.
It is organized just like the newspaper, and has a special page-turning navigation function that allows you to discover great articles and features.
Remote sensing methods have also proven invaluable when working to discover features, cisterns, and temples.
The survey also discovered curved features that probably indicate the presence of roundhouses.
Polished surface of the table from which the artist took off the cloth, discovers interesting new features, giving the composition of the picture more depth.