They discover a large, squid-like creature that lives in the sky when it gets trapped in the ship's rudder.
They manage to open the door and discover a creature called It, a sand fairy.
Jim and Masao discover a squid-like creature, thinking he is another captive of the aliens.
The boys immediately discovered a new creature to gawk at.
He will discover a magical creature and he'll call it Wako.
When the team discovers a suitable creature, they round up as many as they can, but are hounded by the insects.
While collecting the animals on their checklist, the crew discovers a small black creature with a third eye on a stalk attached to its head.
Henrietta discovers a creature that looks like a small flying rhino in one of the cupboards.
A young boy discovers a lovable alien creature, but the alien's mother is on the prowl.
We discovered a truly unusual creature there: a centaurpede, like a centaur but with a hundred pairs of legs.