The German-born British astronomer discovers Uranus.
Question three, who discovered Uranus in ninety seventy six?
I just wanted to say that question, so, who discovered Uranus in seventeen eighty one?
William Herschel The German-born British astronomer discovers Uranus.
It is named in honour of the English astronomer of German origin William Herschel who discovered Uranus.
He is best known for discovering Uranus in 1781.
When he discovered Uranus, Herschel was not looking for a planet but doing a survey of stars; it was an accidental discovery.
When William Herschel discovered Uranus on 13 March 1781 it was located near Eta Geminorum.
John Herschel almost discovered Neptune the same way his father, William Herschel, had discovered Uranus in 1781, by chance observation.
It was with one of these instruments that Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.