Fundamental frequency and discourse structure, by Lise Menn & Suzanne Boyce.
It is good to practise discourse structure consciously as well.
Each time you go through the text you practice the discourse structure, as the structure, or "grid", stays the same while you are making the other changes.
Syntactic constraints on discourse structure: the case of it-clefts.
We shall return to this point in the discussion of further details of discourse structure in Chapter 4.
They probably should depend on rhetorical and discourse structure.
This involves information about syntax, semantics, discourse structure, pragmatics and knowledge of the world.
Presentations can focus on any aspect of natural language analysis, including, but not limited to, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and discourse structure.
Prosody has also been used to analyze discourse structure.
The differences in discourse structure are quite obvious (the reader is referred to L. Milroy's (1987) report of our field methods, where the same transcripts are used).