Culturally inappropriate music has also been used to discourage teenagers from loitering in civilian settings.
There's strong evidence that these programs don't discourage teenagers from becoming sexually active.
This bill was meant to discourage teenagers from smoking.
The campaign spends an estimated $50 million to $60 million a year to try to discourage teenagers from smoking.
The sound was initially used in the Mosquito security devices in Britain to discourage teenagers from loitering around convenience stores.
This censorship also discourages teenagers from reading good books.
He said the company spends millions to discourage teenagers from smoking.
Strict parents discourage young teenagers from smoking and drinking, permissive parents do not.
This is a place where the police started a hip-hop band, which performs in uniform, to discourage teenagers from a life of crime.
The government has slapped a new tax on cigarettes to discourage teenagers from taking up smoking.