Until recently, they lived largely in isolation, separated from the rest of Mexico by mist-shrouded mountain ranges and rushing rivers that discouraged outsiders.
Such a reform would produce candidates more committed to serve their neighbors, and discourage opportunistic outsiders.
For one thing, the music's limited success in the marketplace has discouraged outsiders from infringing upon it.
Getting information about meetings and issues is often difficult overseas, and some meetings are conducted in regional dialects to discourage outsiders from participating.
Is this why Taters discourage outsiders from prowling around their mountain?
Permit parking is meant to discourage unruly outsiders.
Rigorously codified manners and rituals discourage outsiders.
This street was for living only, the nar-rowness meant to discourage outsiders.
Mr. Scott suggested that Old Field might be trying to discourage outsiders from entering the village.
Transportation officials said a desire to discourage outsiders is a major reason why towns that need parking often resist building it.