Police training discourages officers from grappling with suspects and requires them to aim for the torso, not the leg or the arm, to insure a hit when they shoot, Lieutenant Hall said.
But incidents like today's discourage officers from turning up.
In interviews, dozens of officers said they felt estranged from the people they policed and demoralized by departmental policies they believe discourage aggressive officers and reward laziness.
Friendly Relations Discouraged Regulations intended to prevent corruption have discouraged officers from developing friends on their beats.
Another criticism of the COMPSTAT program is that it may discourage officers from taking crime reports in order to create a false appearance of a reduction of community problems.
Human rights groups, which have long contended that paramilitary gunmen have worked with military units in fighting leftist rebels, agree, saying that the case was a travesty and that Colonel Orozco's conviction's will only discourage other officers from coming forward.
Last month, for example, the Police Chief, George R. Aylward, went public about the charges of police corruption, asking the townspeople to help identify problem officers and discourage other officers from becoming corrupt.
There is also concern that the accident may damage the submarine force by discouraging young officers from staying in.
He did, however, discourage British officers from using physical abuse on them.