Such facts are unlikely to discourage buyers, especially because a lot of institutions that buy new issues couldn't care less about the long-term.
The intervention did little to discourage buyers, though, and the dollar ended the day at 1.89575 marks, up from 1.89325 on Wednesday.
In fact, some sellers even discourage financial buyers.
The $2,500 premium for 4ws discouraged most buyers.
The no-pet rule can also discourage buyers of new suburban condos.
The risk of further house price declines in turn discourages would-be buyers from entering the market.
The dollar's fall yesterday also discouraged buyers on the stock and bond markets.
"This finding flies in the face of the received wisdom that a higher price discourages buyers."
Even though no arbitrage took place, the renewed perception of a discount was enough to discourage buyers.
"It will discourage buyers and have a negative impact on employment and attracting industry to the area."