Comprehensive health education programs effectively discourage unhealthy behavior, surveys indicate.
A four- to six-month waiting period at the beginning of the note term is intended to discourage such behavior.
Your article notes that the purpose of such awards is to discourage egregious behavior by other manufacturers.
The administration's philosophy seems to be that the best way to discourage risky behavior is to take away the safety net.
It discourages bad behavior through time-outs or loss of privileges.
"Being in public discourages loud voices and bad behavior," says Muller.
But standards, which enable all the computers linked to the Internet to talk to one another, can sometimes be used to discourage disruptive behavior.
This practice often helps discourage abusive behavior and show that it will not be tolerated.
To discourage certain behavior, we restrict it to designated groups.
However, regular exercise must be maintained throughout the dog's life in order to discourage slothful behavior and to prevent a number of health problems.